Please use the form below to RSVP for the High Holiday services and for the

While tickets to the prayer services are free of charge, please consider making a Holiday donation to Cayman Jewish Community in honor of the New Year, your gift will help build Jewish life in the Cayman Islands

Feel free to contact Rabbi Berel Pewzner with any questions or concerns, we look forward to hearing from you.

Your Info

First Name
Last Name
Zip Code

Seat Reservations

Number of Adults
Number of Children
High Holiday Services I plan to attend
Please check all that apply.
Rosh Hashanah Social | Sunday September 17th 
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 | Shabbat, September 16th
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 | Sunday, September 17th
The sounding of the Shofar at 11:30 am is the highlight of the Holiday of Rosh Hashanah. 
Yom Kippur | Sunday Sep 24 -  Monday Sept 25

I/We would like to attend the Rosh Hashanah Services

Number of Attendees: Adults | Children

Please charge me a Total: USD | KYD

Payment Info

Partner with the Chabad Cayman Jewish Community in ensuring a bright future for Jewish life in the Cayman Islands. 

Card Number
CVV Code
Total Amount to Charge Card

Please contact us if you would like to make your payment via Cash or Check.

Thank you!