Yeshiva Week - Winter Break in the Cayman Islands!

Grand Cayman has become of the most popular destinations for Frum families for Yeshiva Week Break in late January.

It is a welcoming and safe family friendly destination in the Western Caribbean, only a short flight away from South Florida and with 2 daily direct flights to/from New York City.

 The Chabad Cayman Jewish Community on Seven Mile Beach is honored to welcome you to our warm and growing Kehila in the Cayman Islands!.
We are working on Shabbat Food Options, please complete the form to express interest.


We will IYH be holding daily Minyan for Shacharis at 8:30 am at the Chabad Center at 7 Mile Shops.

Mincha/Arvit 6:00 pm at the Chabad Center at 7 Mile Shops

Shabbos Davening, 6:00 pm Mincha on Erev Shabbos.

10:00 am Shabbat Morning Minyan at the Chabad Center at 7 Mile Shops. Click here to see location.

We will also be having a pop-up Sephardic Minyan for Shabbat at the Kimpton Seafire

Please click here to express your interest in Kosher offerings and Minyan over Winter Break

Feel free to contact Rabbi Berel Pewzner, via What's App +1 345 516 4474 or email [email protected]

Looking forward to meeting you and to connecting over your visit.

Please also consider making a donation to support Chabad Cayman and enable us to provide this service at basic cost.

 Keeping Kosher in Cayman is a breeze!

There is an abundance of Kosher food items available in local Supermarkets.

You are also permitted in bring in Kosher foods and Meats in your luggage, all meats should bear USDA stamp. 


We will Bezras Hashem be holding daily Minyanim during the Yeshiva Week period.

at the Chabad Cayman Jewish Community Center, 215 West Bay Rd. - 7 Mile Shops #16, the yellow Shopping center. 

We will be having both Sephardic and Ashkenaz Minyanim. 

We will be holding a Sephardic Minyan for Shabbat as well at the Ritz Carlton and Kimpton .

Daily Minyan Schedule: 8:30 AM at the Cayman JCC.

 6:00 PM: Mincha/Marriv at the Cayman JCC.

Shabbat Davening schedule: 

6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat at the Cayman JCC.
10:00 am Shabbat morning at the Cayman JCC

 Partner with us!

Thank you for partnering with Chabad Cayman. We rely on your support which enables us to serve every Jew living and visiting the Cayman Islands.

Please visit www.  to kindly contribute today!.

Checks can be mailed to:

"Chabad of the Cayman Islands" 3515 Green St. Harrisburg, PA 17110.


We are in the midst of building the 1st and only Mikvah in the Cayman Islands.

You can join us in this wonderful Mitzvah and great Zechus, Please visit The Cayman Mikvah Fund and make a generous donation!

Checks can be mailed to: Chabad of the Cayman Islands  3515 Green St. Harrisburg PA 17110

Click here to view local listings

The Cayman Mikvah 

Accommodation's List of Hotels in the area.

 FAQ | Frequently asked questions when visiting Cayman.