Cayman Community Seder 2025

Join the Jewish Community of Cayman for a Passover Seder and Dinner that you will remember for a lifetime!

 The Seder dinner will be held on Sunday April 13th at 6 pm at the Marriott Beach Resort, Grand Cayman.

Enjoy an in-depth Hebrew/English Passover experience, with plenty of tradition and an abundance of warmth while enjoying a gourmet Kosher for Passover meal, with all the traditional foods.

Discounted tickets are available due to the generosity of an anonymous sponsor, and no one will be turned away due to a lack of funds.


Cayman Residents:

Adults: $60 CI      Children (Under 10) - $40 CI 

Adults: $75 USD      Children - Under 12 : $50 USD 

* Discounted tickets available,  Please contact Rabbi Berel if that works better for you.

 Full Name :



 I would like to pay by Credit/Debit Card (Card will be charged in USD)

Charge Amount 
Card Type 
Card Number 
Expiration Date 
Card Code 

Address (St, City, Zip code) 

  I would like to sponsor a table of 10 for $ 1,000.00 USD

 I would like to add a holiday donation of $

 I would like to pay by Cash.

 I would like to pay by check.

US issued Checks can be made out to "Chabad of the Cayman Islands"

Cayman issued Checks can be made out to "JCCI Ltd.

Our Mailing address:

In the US: 3515 Green St. Harrisburg, PA, 17110.

In Cayman: PO Box 11852, Grand Cayman, KY1-1010, Cayman Islands.

 Please sell my Chometz (food's forbidden on Passover) on my behalf.

